Sorry, Heroes Con has been over for almost a week and I haven't posted anything yet. I've been busy working on some new stuff since I got back (more to follow). I will defiantly post it as soon as I'm finished.
Anyway, Heroes was so much fun this year. Everyone I met was super nice. I was so pleased to see that my art got such a good response this time around too. I'm slowly getting used to producing more and more work and it is paying off. I actually got a couple of offers to do some real deal published work. Maybe even one through IDW? I'm keeping my fingers crossed on that one.
The coolest thing this year was that I got a lot of request for commissions. I've posted a few that I was able to finish, but I still have a bunch to do. So thank you again to the people that are waiting patently for their commissions. I had so much fun talking to everyone I met. Two artist that I have to mention,
Chris Uminga and
Matt Fletcher ,they had some really awesome stuff. Check them out, I think you will like.
Another down to earth guy that I met was
Scott Sava. He is the creator of a book called The Dreamland Chronicles, it is an all ages read graphic novel. I haven't got a chance to read some it yet but he has most of it online for free. Looks pretty cool though from what I saw. Scott stopped by the table and really enjoyed my art. He invited me over to his booth to check out some of the stuff that he has been working on. He even said that maybe I could do a cover for one of his Dreamland books thats being published through IDW. I think my jaw was hanging open when he said that. He also does children's books, which is something that I've always wanted to do as well. Just talking to him gave me so much hope that I can make it in this business. He knows what its like to be the little guy just starting out and he said that he could help to get my foot in the door. That was so inspiring for me to hear that. Thanks again Scott.
As far as the exhibitor booths, I bought my share in weight of trades and hard covers. Those $5 trade booths were a real down fall for me this time. On Sunday, this one guy ended up selling his Marvel titles for 75% off cover price. Let's just say a great deal of money was deducted from my credit card.
I also got to spend some time with my friends from college, which is always a crazy experience. I'm like the only one that still lives in the mountains of NC, so these cons are like the only time we get to see each other. I'm trying to see if we can do some more cons next year like Baltimore, but we have to save up some money to do that. Charlotte is the closest place that we can all meet without costing us an arm or leg, so we will have to wait and see. Make sure you check out their websites too.
Adam Goudelock and
Kim Feigenbaum.All in all I had a really great time. It was inspiring and really got me excited to work on some new things for next year. Heroes Con 2008 was the best I've been to in a really long time. Can't wait till next year to do it again.

~Thanks again to everyone that showed their support through the commissions. I had a blast drawing them.