Here is my submission for a juried art show at a local gallery here in Boone, NC. The theme for the show is Art-by-Numbers. My piece is called "Number Cruncher" and it is acrylic gouache on panel. I literally just finished it 30 minutes before it was due at the gallery. I probably could have done a little more to it, but I'm pleased with how it turned out. I think the frame took me longer to make than the actual painting. Who says procrastination is bad?
awesome procrastination!! how about you get the led out and give me some more great stuff!!
The power of the procrastitron is strong with you. It is a force that can be used for both good and evil. Only long tedious hours of looking through comics but not reading them will hone the necessary skills to wield this extraordinary force with good judgment. There can be only one.
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